The uReturn (RMA) API add-on extends Magento 2 REST/Soap API and allow admin and vendor utilize it to create/pull/update uReturns information. To get more technical details check:
In order to perform API operations vendor need authentication. System use Token-based authentication by vendor email/password. Before doing actual API calls vendor need to get authentication token by doing post to /V1/integration/admin/token with json encoded array of username
, password
. Response of that POST will be 32 bit token that need to be used for further API calls in Authorization request header with the Bearer HTTP authorization scheme to prove vendor identity. More information is available here
POST http://magento.loc/index.php/rest/V1/integration/admin/token {"username":"<vendor email>","password":"<vendor password>"}
"xxxxxxxxx 32 bit token xxxxxxxxx"
Before call Create RMA API you need to get details of Purchase Order using one of these API calls:
Once it's done and you have all required entity IDs you are ready to create RMA. Request payload expect data
param to be json encoded array that match \Unirgy\RmaApi\Api\Data\CreateRmaRequestInterface interface. It's inner items
param should be json encoded array that match \Unirgy\RmaApi\Api\Data\CreateRmaItemInterface interface.
POST http://magento.loc/rest//V1/urma/create { "data": { "udpo_id": "86", "comment_text": "rma api comment", "send_email": "1", "rma_reason": "refund", "items": [ { "udpo_item_id": "99", "condition": "unopened", "qty": "1" } ] } }
In order to get list of RMAs perform /V1/urmas GET API call. It expect searchCriteria
as parameter. More details on how to construct the filter check can be found here
GET http://magento.loc/rest/V1/urmas?searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=created_at&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][value]=2022-01-01+00:00:00&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][condition_type]=gt
{ "items": [ { "billing_address_id": 94, "created_at": "2022-01-18 02:58:23", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 4, "increment_id": "000000004", "order_id": 47, "shipping_address_id": 93, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-01-18 02:58:23", "items": [ { "entity_id": 4, "name": "test PA", "parent_id": 4, "price": 16.55, "product_id": 4, "sku": "test-pa", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "opened", "order_item_id": 87, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [ { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 4, "rma_status": "pending", "comment": "initial api comment", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-01-18 02:58:23", "entity_id": 9 } ], "udpo_id": "76", "udpo_increment_id": "000000060-2", "rma_reason": "refund", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "45", "shipment_increment_id": "000000060-2-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }, { "billing_address_id": 96, "created_at": "2022-01-18 03:00:25", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 5, "increment_id": "000000005", "order_id": 48, "shipping_address_id": 95, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 2, "updated_at": "2022-01-18 03:00:25", "items": [ { "entity_id": 5, "name": "test PA", "parent_id": 5, "price": 16.55, "product_id": 4, "sku": "test-pa", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "opened", "order_item_id": 90, "qty": 1 }, { "entity_id": 6, "name": "test CA 2", "parent_id": 5, "price": 18.95, "product_id": 3, "sku": "test-ca", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 91, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [ { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 5, "rma_status": "pending", "comment": "initial api comment", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-01-18 03:00:25", "entity_id": 10 } ], "udpo_id": "78", "udpo_increment_id": "000000061-2", "rma_reason": "refund", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "47", "shipment_increment_id": "000000061-2-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }, { "billing_address_id": 90, "created_at": "2022-01-24 21:52:51", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 6, "increment_id": "000000006", "order_id": 45, "shipping_address_id": 89, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-01-24 21:52:51", "items": [ { "entity_id": 7, "name": "test PA", "parent_id": 6, "price": 16.55, "product_id": 4, "sku": "test-pa", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 82, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [], "udpo_id": "72", "udpo_increment_id": "000000058-1", "rma_reason": "exchange", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "43", "shipment_increment_id": "000000058-1-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }, { "billing_address_id": 94, "created_at": "2022-01-24 21:56:42", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 8, "increment_id": "000000008", "order_id": 47, "shipping_address_id": 93, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-01-24 21:56:42", "items": [ { "entity_id": 9, "name": "test CA 2", "parent_id": 8, "price": 18.95, "product_id": 3, "sku": "test-ca", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 88, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [], "udpo_id": "76", "udpo_increment_id": "000000060-2", "rma_reason": "exchange", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "45", "shipment_increment_id": "000000060-2-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }, { "billing_address_id": 84, "created_at": "2022-01-24 22:00:17", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 10, "increment_id": "000000010", "order_id": 42, "shipping_address_id": 83, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-01-24 22:00:17", "items": [ { "entity_id": 11, "name": "test PA", "parent_id": 10, "price": 16.55, "product_id": 4, "sku": "test-pa", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 76, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [], "udpo_id": "67", "udpo_increment_id": "000000055-2", "rma_reason": "exchange", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "42", "shipment_increment_id": "000000055-2-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }, { "billing_address_id": 106, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:52", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 11, "increment_id": "000000011", "order_id": 53, "shipping_address_id": 105, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:52", "items": [ { "entity_id": 12, "name": "Utest-0216", "parent_id": 11, "price": 1, "product_id": 45, "sku": "Utest-0216", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 99, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [ { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 11, "rma_status": "pending", "comment": "rma api comment", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:53", "entity_id": 11 } ], "udpo_id": "86", "udpo_increment_id": "000000066-1", "rma_reason": "refund", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "49", "shipment_increment_id": "000000066-1-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" } ], "search_criteria": null, "total_count": 6 }
In order to get single RMA information perform /V1/urma/:id GET API call. :id parameter could be either uReturn entity id or it's increment id.
GET http://magento.loc/rest/V1/urma/000000011
{ "billing_address_id": 106, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:52", "customer_id": 1, "email_sent": 1, "entity_id": 11, "increment_id": "000000011", "order_id": 53, "shipping_address_id": 105, "store_id": 1, "total_qty": 1, "updated_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:52", "items": [ { "entity_id": 12, "name": "Utest-0216", "parent_id": 11, "price": 1, "product_id": 45, "sku": "Utest-0216", "weight": 1, "item_condition": "unopened", "order_item_id": 99, "qty": 1 } ], "comments": [ { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 11, "rma_status": "pending", "comment": "rma api comment", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:53", "entity_id": 11 } ], "udpo_id": "86", "udpo_increment_id": "000000066-1", "rma_reason": "refund", "rma_status": "pending", "shipment_id": "49", "shipment_increment_id": "000000066-1-0", "udropship_vendor": "1", "vendor_name": "vendor1" }
In order to add comment to RMA perform /V1/urma/:id/addComment POST API call. :id parameter could be either RMA entity id or it's increment id. Request payload expect data
json encoded array parameter that match \Unirgy\RmaApi\Api\Data\CreateRmaCommentInterface interface. For definition check app\code\Unirgy\RmaApi\Api\Data\CreateRmaCommentInterface.php file. It return bool true on success and may rise exception if RMA not found or does not belong to vendor.
POST http://magento.loc/index.php/rest/V1/urma/000000011/addComment { "data": { "comment": "comment from addComment API call", "is_customer_notified": true, "is_visible_on_front": true, "resolution_notes": "resolved via addComment API call", "status": "approved" } }
In order to get list of RMA comments perform /V1/urma/:id/comments GET API call. :id parameter could be either RMA entity id or it's increment id.
GET http://magento.loc/index.php/rest/V1/urma/000000011/comments
{ "items": [ { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 11, "rma_status": "pending", "comment": "rma api comment", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:24:53", "entity_id": 11 }, { "is_customer_notified": 1, "parent_id": 11, "rma_status": "approved", "comment": "comment from addComment API call\n\n[vendor1 has changed the RMA status to approved]\n[vendor1 has changed the RMA resolution notes]", "is_visible_on_front": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-26 06:50:37", "entity_id": 13 } ], "search_criteria": { "filter_groups": [ { "filters": [ { "field": "parent_id", "value": "11", "condition_type": "eq" } ] } ] }, "total_count": 3 }
In order to add tracking number to RMA perform /V1/urma/:id/addTrack POST API call. :id parameter could be either RMA entity id or it's increment id. Request payload expect carrier code in carrier
string parameter, carrier title in title
parameter and tracking number in trackNumber
parameter. It return track id on success and may rise exception if PO not found or does not belong to vendor.
POST http://magento.loc/index.php/rest/V1/urma/000000011/addTrack {"carrier":"ups","title":"UPS","trackNumber":"UPS12345"}
In order to delete tracking number from RMA perform /V1/urma/:id/deleteTrack/:trackNumber POST API call. :id parameter could be either RMA entity id or it's increment id, :trackNumber should be tracking number. It return bool true on success and may rise exception if RMA not found or does not belong to vendor and if tracking number not found within RMA.
POST http://magento.loc/index.php/rest/V1/urma/000000011/deleteTrack/UPS12345