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urapidflow:fixed_row_format [2016/11/10 21:55]
jamby77 [CPBOSL: Catalog Product Bundle Option Selection Price]
urapidflow:fixed_row_format [2020/01/14 20:04]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== uRapidFlowPro Fixed Row format ======
 +While Product and Category records require a dynamic row format, which would allow flexible columns configuration, other information in catalog requires well defined and DB oriented format. We call it "fixed row format".
 +Example of file with fixed format rows:
 +CPCO,SKU1,"Custom Option 1",drop_down,0,OPTION_SKU,1
 +CPCOL,SKU1,"Custom Option 1",store1,"Store Specific Option Name"
 +CPCOS,SKU1,"Custom Option 1","Product Selection Name",SELSKU1,1
 +CPCOSL,SKU1,"Custom Option 1","Product Selection Name",store1,"Store Specific Selection Name"
 +The file above will create a dropdown custom option named "Custom Option 1" for product SKU1. This custom option will have store view specific label "Store Specific Option Name", and a selection of one product "Product Selection Name", with store view specific label as well.
 +Also, it will add RELATED_SKU as related to SKU1 and GROUPED_SKU as a child grouped product with default quantity of 2.
 +Each row begins with action char and row type identifier. If action char is ommited, insert/update is implied.
 +^ Action Char ^ Meaning ^
 +| + | Insert/Update (optional) |
 +| - | Delete |
 +| % | Rename (* see below for explanation) |
 +| # | Comment line (## is used for row structure explanation) |
 +| ! | Define column order for row type within the file (ROADMAP) |
 +* For example, in CPCO, "default_title" is used as a key to update store view specific records. Use "[%] Rename" action to change this title.
 +First few fields are always required, others are optional, but the row structure should always remain the same.
 +This allows to combine different types of fixed format rows into the same file, as there's no need for header titles, which means each row's structure is well known and will be expected by the parser.
 +===== Eav Structure Row Types =====
 +==== Allowed actions ====
 +^ Row Type  ^ Create  ^ Update  ^ Delete  ^ Rename (*)  ^ Description                                                                                                                        ^
 +^ EA        | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#eaeav_attribute|EAV Attribute]]                                                                                                 |
 +^ EAL       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eaeav_attribute_store_specific|EAV Attribute Store Specific]]                                                                   |
 +^ EAX               | X                           | [[#eaxeav_attribute_extension|EAV Attribute Extension]]                                                                            |
 +^ EAXP      |         | X                           | [[#eaxpeav_attribute_product_extension|EAV Attribute Product Extension]]                                                           |
 +^ EAS       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#easeav_attribute_set|EAV Attribute Set]]                                                                                        |
 +^ EAG       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eageav_attribute_group|EAV Attribute Group]]                                                                                    |
 +^ EASI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#easieav_attribute_within_attribute_set|EAV Attribute Within Attribute Set]]                                                     |
 +^ EAO       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eaoeav_attribute_option|EAV Attribute Option]]                                                                                  |
 +^ EAOL      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eaoleav_attribute_option_store_specific|EAV Attribute Option Store Specific]]                                                   |
 +^ EAOS       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eaoseav_attribute_option_swatch|EAV Attribute Swatch]]                                                                                 |
 +^ EAOSL      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#eaosleav_attribute_swatch_store_specific|EAV Attribute Swatch Store Specific]]                                                   |
 +* Rename is in ROADMAP, currently only CP and CPBO are implemented.
 +==== EA: EAV Attribute ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | backend_type |  | X | |
 +^ 3 | frontend_input |  | X | |
 +^ 4 | frontend_label |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | is_required |  | X | |
 +^ 6 | is_unique |  | X | |
 +^ 7 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Create attributes ==
 +EA,custom_field,varchar,select,Custom Dropdown Field,0,0
 +==== EAL: EAV Attribute Store Specific ====
 +Support only for Magento CE or EE
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | label|  | X | |
 +^ 4 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +==== EAX: EAV Attribute Extension ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | attribute_model |  |  | |
 +^ 3 | backend_model |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | backend_table |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | frontend_model |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | frontend_class |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | source_model |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | default_value |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | note |  |  | |
 +^ 10 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +==== EAXP: EAV Attribute Product Extension ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +==Magento 1==
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | is_global |  |  | |
 +^ 3 | is_visible |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | is_searchable |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | is_filterable |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | is_comparable | | | |
 +^ 7 | is_visible_on_front |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | is_html_allowed_on_front |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | is_used_for_price_rules |  |  | |
 +^ 10 | is_filterable_in_search |  |  | |
 +^ 11 | used_in_product_listing |  |  | |
 +^ 12 | used_for_sort_by |  |  | |
 +^ 13 | is_configurable |  |  | |
 +^ 14 | apply_to |  |  | |
 +^ 15 | is_visible_in_advanced_search |  |  | |
 +^ 16 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 17 | frontend_input_renderer | | | |
 +^ 18 | is_wysiwyg_enabled |  |  | |
 +==Magento 2==
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | string |
 +^ 2 | is_global |  |  | int |
 +^ 3 | is_visible |  |  | int |
 +^ 4 | is_searchable |  |  | int |
 +^ 5 | is_filterable |  |  | int |
 +^ 6 | is_comparable | | | int |
 +^ 7 | is_visible_on_front |  |  | int |
 +^ 8 | is_html_allowed_on_front |  |  | int |
 +^ 9 | is_used_for_price_rules |  |  | int |
 +^ 10 | is_filterable_in_search |  |  | int |
 +^ 11 | used_in_product_listing |  |  | int |
 +^ 12 | used_for_sort_by |  |  | int |
 +^ 13 | apply_to |  |  | string |
 +^ 14 | is_visible_in_advanced_search |  |  | int |
 +^ 15 | position |  |  | int |
 +^ 16 | frontend_input_renderer | | | string |
 +^ 17 | is_wysiwyg_enabled |  |  | int |
 +^ 18 | is_used_for_promo_rules |  |  | int |
 +^ 19 | is_required_in_admin_store |  |  | int |
 +^ 20 | is_used_in_grid |  |  | int |
 +^ 21 | is_visible_in_grid |  |  | int |
 +^ 22 | is_filterable_in_grid |  |  | int |
 +^ 23 | search_weight |  |  | float |
 +^ 24 | additional_data |  |  | text |
 +==== EAS: EAV Attribute Set ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | set_name | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 3 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Create attribute set ==
 +EAS,New Attribute Set
 +==== EAG: EAV Attribute Group ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +== Magento 1 ==
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | set_name | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | group_name | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +== Magento 2 ==
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | set_name | X | X | string |
 +^ 2 | group_name | X | X | string |
 +^ 3 | sort_order |  |  | int |
 +^ 4 | default_id | X |  | int |
 +^ 5 | attribute_group_code | X |  | varchar |
 +^ 6 | tab_group_code | X |  | varchar |
 +^ 7 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +==== EASI: EAV Attribute Within Attribute Set ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | set_name | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | group_name | X | X |  |
 +^ 3 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add attribute to attribute set ==
 +EASI,New Attribute Set,General,your_attribute,10
 +== Remove attribute from attribute set ==
 +-EASI,New Attribute Set,your_attribute
 +==== EAO: EAV Attribute Option ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | option_name | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add attribute options ==
 +EAO,custom_field,Option 1,1
 +EAO,custom_field,Option 2,2
 +==== EAOL: EAV Attribute Option Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | option_name | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | option_label |  | Х | |
 +^ 5 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +==== EAOS: EAV Attribute Option Swatch ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 2 | swatch_name | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 3 | option_name | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 4 | sort_order |  |  | int |
 +^ 5 | type |  |  | int - 0 - text, 1 - visual color, 2 - visual image |
 +^ 6 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add attribute swatches ==
 +EAOS,custom_field,55 cm,55 cm,2,0
 +==== EAOSL: EAV Attribute Swatch Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | attribute_code | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 2 | default_swatch_name | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | varchar |
 +^ 4 | locale_swatch_name |  | Х | varchar |
 +^ 5 | entity_type | X |  | If not specified, 'catalog_product' used by default |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add attribute swatch locale version ==
 +EAOSL,custom_field,55 cm,default,2"
 +===== Product Extra Data Row Types =====
 +==== Allowed actions ====
 +^ Row Type  ^ Create  ^ Update  ^ Delete  ^ Rename (*)  ^ Description                                                                                                                        ^
 +^ CC        |                 | X                   | [[#cccatalog_category|Catalog Category]]                                                                                           |
 +^ CCP       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#ccpcatalog_category-product_association|Catalog Category-Product Association]]                                                  |
 +^ CP        |                 | X       | X           | [[#cpcatalog_product|Catalog Product]]                                                                                             |
 +^ CPI       | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpicatalog_product_image|Catalog Product Image]]                                                                                |
 +^ CPIL      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpilcatalog_product_image_store_specific|Catalog Product Image Store Specific]]                                                 |
 +^ CPCO      | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpcocatalog_product_custom_option|Catalog Product Custom Option]]                                                               |
 +^ CPCOL     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpcolcatalog_product_custom_option_store_specific|Catalog Product Custom Option Store Specific]]                                |
 +^ CPCOS     | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpcoscatalog_product_custom_option_selection|Catalog Product Custom Option Selection]]                                          |
 +^ CPCOSL    | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpcoslcatalog_product_custom_option_selection_store_specific|Catalog Product Custom Option Selection Store Specific]]           |
 +^ CPBO      | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpbocatalog_product_bundle_option|Catalog Product Bundle Option]]                                                               |
 +^ CPBOL     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpbolcatalog_product_bundle_option_store_specific|Catalog Product Bundle Option Store Specific]]                                |
 +^ CPBOS     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpboscatalog_product_bundle_option_selection|Catalog Product Bundle Option Selection]]                                          |
 +^ CPRI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpricatalog_product_related_item|Catalog Product Related Item]]                                                                 |
 +^ CPUI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpuicatalog_product_up_sell_item|Catalog Product Up Sell Item]]                                                                 |
 +^ CPXI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpxicatalog_product_cross_sell_item|Catalog Product Cross Sell Item]]                                                           |
 +^ CPGI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpgicatalog_product_grouped_item|Catalog Product Grouped Item]]                                                                 |
 +^ CPSA      | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpsacatalog_product_super_configurable_attribute|Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute]]                                 |
 +^ CPSAL     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpsalcatalog_product_super_configurable_attribute_store_specific|Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute Store Specific]]  |
 +^ CPSAP     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpsapcatalog_product_super_configurable_attribute_pricing|Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute Pricing]]                |
 +^ CPSI      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpsicatalog_product_super_configurable_item|Catalog Product Super Configurable Item]]                                           |
 +^ CPD       | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpdcatalog_product_downloadable|Catalog Product Downloadable]]                                                                  |
 +^ CPDL      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpdlcatalog_product_downloadable_store_specific|Catalog Product Downloadable Label]]                                            |
 +^ CPDP      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpdpcatalog_product_downloadable_website_price|Catalog Product Downloadable Price]]                                             |
 +^ CPDS      | X       | X       | X       | X           | [[#cpdscatalog_product_downloadable_sample|Catalog Product Downloadable Sample]]                                                   |
 +^ CPDSL     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpdslcatalog_product_downloadable_sample_store_specific|Catalog Product Downloadable Sample Label]]                             |
 +^ CPPT      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cpptcatalog_product_tier_prices|Catalog Product Tier Prices]]                                                                   |
 +^ CPPG      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#cppgcatalog_product_group_prices|Catalog Product Group Prices]]                                                                 |
 +==== CC: Catalog Category ====
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Delete categories ==
 +==== CCP: Catalog Category-Product Association ====
 +Can be used to specify product position within category.
 +Alternatively, products can be associated in "Product" data type files.
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Create category-product associations ==
 +== Delete category-product associations ==
 +==== CP: Catalog Product ====
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Delete products ==
 +== Rename product SKU ==
 +==== CPI: Catalog Product Image ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | image_url | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | label |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | disabled |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add Gallery Images ==
 +<file csv CPI.csv>
 +# CPI,sku,image name,image label,position,disabled
 +# to add images 
 +CPI,SKU-1,i/m/image1.jpg,"Image 1 label",1,
 +CPI,SKU-1,i/m/image2.jpg,"Image 2 label",2,
 +# to add images but exclude them from gallery 
 +CPI,SKU-1,i/m/image3.jpg,"Image 3 label",3,
 +CPI,SKU-1,i/m/image4.jpg,"Image 4 label",4,
 +# delete image 
 +==== CPIL: Catalog Product Image Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | image_url | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | Can't be "admin" |
 +^ 4 | label |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | disabled |  |  | |
 +==== CPV: Catalog Product Video ====
 +**Magento 2 only**
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | url | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | screenshot | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 5 | title |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | provider |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | description |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | metadata |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 10 | disabled |  |  | |
 +==== CPVL: Catalog Product Video Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | screenshot | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | Can't be "admin" |
 +^ 4 | label |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | disabled |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add Gallery Videos ==
 +<file csv CPI.csv>
 +#CPV, sku ,url ,screenshot ,store ,title ,provider ,description ,metadata ,position ,disabled
 +# to add video
 +CPV, SKU-1,, image1.jpg, default, "Video 1 title", youtube, "lorem ipsum dolor", "some meta data", 1, 0 
 +# to add video but exclude it from gallery 
 +CPV, SKU-1,, image1.jpg, default, "Video 1 title", youtube, "lorem ipsum dolor", "some meta data", 1, 1
 +# -CPV, sku ,url ,screenshot ,store
 +# delete video 
 +-CPV,SKU-1,, /i/m/image5.jpg, default
 +# -CPVL, sku ,url ,screenshot ,store
 +# delete video store specific
 +-CPVL,SKU-1,, /i/m/image5.jpg, default
 +==== CPCO: Catalog Product Custom Option ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | type |  | X | |
 +^ 4 | is_require |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | option_sku |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | max_characters |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | price |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | price_type |  |  | |
 +^ 10 | file_extension |  |  | |
 +^ 11 | image_size_x |  |  | |
 +^ 12 | image_size_y |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add custom options to a product ==
 +<file csv custom_options.csv>
 +# // Add a non-required text custom option
 +CPCO,PRODUCT_SKU,Text option,field,0,,1
 +# // Add a required dropdown custom option
 +==== CPCOL: Catalog Product Custom Option Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | title |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | price |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | price_type |  |  | |
 +==== CPCOS: Catalog Product Custom Option Selection ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | selection_default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | selection_sku |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | price |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | price_type |  |  | |
 +==== CPCOSL: Catalog Product Custom Option Selection Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | selection_default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | store |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | title |  | X | |
 +^ 6 | price |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | price_type |  |  | |
 +==== CPBO: Catalog Product Bundle Option ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | type |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | required |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add a Bundle Product ==
 +==== CPBOL: Catalog Product Bundle Option Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | title |  | X | |
 +==== CPBOS: Catalog Product Bundle Option Selection ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | selection_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | is_default |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | selection_price_type |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | selection_price_value |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | selection_qty |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | selection_can_change_qty |  |  | |
 +==== CPBOSL: Catalog Product Bundle Option Selection Price ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | selection_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | selection_price_type |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | selection_price_value |  | X | |
 +^ 6 | website | X | X | |
 +=== Delete Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | selection_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | website | X | X | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Add a Bundle Product ==
 +<file csv cpbosl.csv>
 +"CPBOSL","24-WG080","Sprite Stasis Ball","24-WG081-blue",1,3,"base"
 +"CPBOSL","24-WG080","Sprite Stasis Ball","24-WG082-blue",1,4,"base"
 +"CPBOSL","24-WG080","Sprite Stasis Ball","24-WG083-blue",1,4,"base"
 +"-CPBOSL","24-WG080","Sprite Stasis Ball","24-WG083-blue","base"
 +==== CPRI: Catalog Product Related Item ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | linked_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | qty |  |  | |
 +==== CPUI: Catalog Product Up Sell Item ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | linked_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | qty |  |  | |
 +==== CPXI: Catalog Product Cross Sell Item ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | linked_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | qty |  |  | |
 +==== CPGI: Catalog Product Grouped Item ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | linked_sku | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | qty |  |  | |
 +==== CPSA: Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | position |  | X | |
 +^ 4 | label |  | X | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Basic link between configurable product and 5 simple products using 2 attributes ==
 +==== CPSAL: Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store |  | X | |
 +^ 4 | label |  |  | |
 +==== CPSAP: Catalog Product Super Configurable Attribute Pricing ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | attribute_code | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | value_label | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | website | X | X | |
 +^ 5 | pricing_value |  | X | |
 +^ 6 | is_percent |  | X | |
 +==== CPSI: Catalog Product Super Configurable Item ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | linked_sku | X | X | |
 +==== CPPT: Catalog Product Tier Prices ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | customer_group| X | X | Use '*' for all groups |
 +^ 3 | qty | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | price |  | X | |
 +^ 5 | website | | | |
 +^ 6 | percentage_value | | | magento2 >= 2.2.0 |
 +=== Delete Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column         ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments               ^
 +^ 1 | sku            | X    | X                                |
 +^ 2 | customer_group | X    | X         | Use '*' for all groups |
 +^ 3 | qty            | X    | X                                |
 +^ 4 | website        |      |                                  |
 +==== CPPG: Catalog Product Group Prices ====
 +<sub>(available for Rapidflow and further)</sub>
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | customer_group| X | X | |
 +^ 3 | price |  | X | |
 +^ 4 | website | | | |
 +=== Delete Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | customer_group| X | X | |
 +^ 4 | website | | | |
 +==== CPD: Catalog Product Downloadable ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | price | | | |
 +^ 4 | max_downloads | | | |
 +^ 5 | is_shareable | | | |
 +^ 6 | sort_order | | | |
 +^ 7 | link_url | | | |
 +^ 8 | link_file |  |  | |
 +^ 9 | link_type |  |  | |
 +^ 10 | sample_url |  |  | |
 +^ 11 | sample_file |  |  | |
 +^ 12 | sample_type |  |  | |
 +==== CPDL: Catalog Product Downloadable Store Specific ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | title |  | X | |
 +==== CPDP: Catalog Product Downloadable Website Price ====
 +=== Create/Update Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | website | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | price |  | X | |
 +==== CPDS: Catalog Product Downloadable Sample ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | sort_order |  |  | |
 +^ 4 | sample_url |  |  | |
 +^ 5 | sample_file |  |  | |
 +^ 6 | sample_type |  |  | |
 +==== CPDSL: Catalog Product Downloadable Sample Store Specific ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | default_title | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | store | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | title |  | X | |
 +===== Enterprise Data Row Types =====
 +==== Allowed actions ====
 +^ Row Type  ^ Create  ^ Update  ^ Delete  ^ Rename (*)  ^ Description                                                                                                                        ^
 +^ GCA      | X       | X       | X                   | [[#gcagiftcard_account|Gift Card Account]]                                                                 |
 +^ GCAH     | X       | X       | X                   | [[#gcahgiftcard_account_history|Gift Card Account History]]                                                                 |
 +==== GCA: Gift Card Account ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | balance | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | status | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | state | X | X | |
 +^ 5 | is_redeemable | X | X | |
 +^ 6 | date_created |  |  | |
 +^ 7 | date_expires |  |  | |
 +^ 8 | website |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +== Delete giftcard ==
 +==== GCAH: Gift Card Account History ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +^ 1 | code | X | X | |
 +^ 2 | updated_at | X | X | |
 +^ 3 | action | X | X | |
 +^ 4 | balance_amount | X | X | |
 +^ 5 | balance_delta | X | X | |
 +^ 6 | additional_info |  |  | |
 +=== Examples ===
 +GCAH,02UXLMTJC5AH-2,"2020-01-14 18:34:21",Created,50.00,50.00,"By admin: admin."
 +GCAH,02UXLMTJC5AH-2,"2020-01-14 18:34:38",Updated,44.00,-6.00,"By admin: admin."
 +===== Roadmap =====
 +^ Row Type ^ Description ^ Comments ^
 +^ CT | Catalog Tag | |
 +^ CTL | Catalog Tag Store Specific | |
 +^ CTP | Catalog Tag Product Relation | |
 +^ CS | Catalog Search | |
 +^ AC | Customer | |
 +^ AA | Customer Address | |
 +^ SO | Sales Order | |
 +^ SI | Sales Invoice | |
 +^ SS | Sales Shipment | |
 +^ SC | Credit Memo | |
 +==== CT: Catalog Tag ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +| 1 | tag_name | X | X | |
 +| 2 | status |  |  | |
 +==== CTL: Catalog Tag Store Specific ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +| 1 | tag_name | X | X | |
 +| 2 | store |  |  | |
 +| 3 | customers |  |  | |
 +| 4 | products |  |  | |
 +| 5 | uses |  |  | |
 +| 6 | historical_uses |  |  | |
 +| 7 | popularity |  |  | |
 +==== CTP: Catalog Tag Product Relation ====
 +=== Columns ===
 +^ # ^ Column ^ Key? ^ Required? ^ Comments ^
 +| 1 | sku | X | X | |
 +| 2 | tag_name | X | X | |
 +| 3 | store |  |  | |
 +| 4 | active |  |  | |
 +| 5 | created_at |  |  | |
urapidflow/fixed_row_format.txt · by wtsergo