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M2: Instructions to enable/disable unirgy module


As state in magento documentation modules disable will drop those modules' db tables, i.e. data will be lost. If you plan to restore it later don't forget to use –safe-mode=1 option of setup:upgrade command or create db dump.


  1. Truncate these tables (or remove rows with udropship_vendor!=0): catalog_product_index_price, catalog_product_index_price_replica, cataloginventory_stock_status, cataloginventory_stock_status_replica
    truncate catalog_product_index_price;
    truncate catalog_product_index_price_replica;
    truncate cataloginventory_stock_status;
    truncate cataloginventory_stock_status_replica;
  2. Collect modules to disable using this command
    bin/magento module:status| grep Unirgy_
  3. Disable unirgy modules using this command (replace <modules to uninstall> with actual module names returned by prev command) bin/magento module:disable –clear-static-content <modules to uninstall>
  4. Run setup:upgrade command
    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. Run module:uninstall command (replace <modules to uninstall> with actual module names returned in step 2 command)
    bin/magento module:uninstall –non-composer <modules to uninstall>
  6. Run reindex commands
    bin/magento indexer:reset cataloginventory_stock catalog_product_price

bin/magento indexer:reindex cataloginventory_stock catalog_product_price

udropship/umarketplace/disable_unirgy_modules.1686047444.txt.gz · by wtsergo