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M2: Instructions to enable/disable unirgy module

  1. Truncate these tables (or remove rows with udropship_vendor!=0):

catalog_product_index_price, catalog_product_index_price_replica, cataloginventory_stock_status, cataloginventory_stock_status_replica
truncate catalog_product_index_price;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_replica;
truncate cataloginventory_stock_status;
truncate cataloginventory_stock_status_replica;

  1. Collect modules to disable using this command

bin/magento module:status| grep Unirgy_

  1. Disable unirgy modules using this command (<uninstalled modules> with actual module names returned by prev command)

udropship/umarketplace/disable_unirgy_modules.1686046374.txt.gz · by wtsergo