Table of Contents

Product Import

Profile Tabs

Profile Information

Profile Type

Data Type


Profile Status

Store View

File Location

File Name

Minimum Log Level

Profile Status

Shows profile status statistics and few last activity notifications (errors and warnings) during or after profile run.

Export Excel Report

Clicking on this button will download Excel file containing the imported CSV data with color-coded cells if there were errors, warnings or successful updates, with on-hover description of notifications. Allows easy search, filtering and re-import of fixed file.

Download Plain Log

Provides raw notifications log of errors, warnings and successful updates, as generated by profile.

Import Options

Allowed Import Actions

Dry Run (validate data only)

If Yes, no data will actually be imported, but the import file will be validated and errors will be logged.

Allow changing product type and attribute set for existing products

Allow internal values for dropdown attributes

Allow importing values for not applicable attributes

If store values the same as default...

In case the profile is for non admin store, and the imported attribute value equals to the admin (default) value:

Empty values strategy

If stock qty is 0, mark product as Out of stock

Try to auto increment duplicate url_key

Reindex type

Auto-Create Missing Values

Attribute Option Values

If Yes, create dropdown options for attributes that do not have yet this option. For example, if the column (attribute) is Color and new value is Blue and it doesn't exist yet for this attribute, it will be automatically created. Case insensitive and trims white spaces.

Attribute Sets

If Yes, will create product attribute sets which do not exist yet, using the attribute set selected in option below as a template.

Autocreated Attribute Set Template

Import Options (Image Options)

Auto-import image files

If Yes, will attempt to import image files from directory specified in System > Configuration > RapidFlow > Default Dirs > Images Dir.

If the configuration is relative, imported file location will be used, i.e. by default var/urapidflow/import/images.

Some predefined variables can be used, such as {var} and {media} for common Magento folders.

To use default Magento's original imported image files location, use {media}/import.

The Products data type can import only images that are associated with product attributes, like image, small_image, thumbnail. To import gallery images, use Products Extra data type profile.

Download remote HTTP images

If the images attribute contain http or https URL:

Import Columns

Upload Files

After Import
