===== M2: Instructions to disable/uninstall unirgy modules ===== ==== Notes ==== As state in magento documentation [[https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/extension-dev-guide/declarative-schema/db-schema.html#disable-a-module]] modules disable will drop those modules' db tables, i.e. data will be lost. If you plan to restore it later don't forget to use ''--safe-mode=1'' option of ''setup:upgrade'' command or create db dump. ==== Disable ==== - Truncate these tables (or remove rows with udropship_vendor!=0): catalog_product_index_price, catalog_product_index_price_replica, cataloginventory_stock_status, cataloginventory_stock_status_replica truncate catalog_product_index_price; truncate catalog_product_index_price_replica; truncate cataloginventory_stock_status; truncate cataloginventory_stock_status_replica; - Collect modules to disable using this command bin/magento module:status| grep Unirgy_ - Disable unirgy modules using this command (replace with actual module names returned by prev command) bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content - Run setup:upgrade command bin/magento setup:upgrade - Run module:uninstall command (replace with actual module names returned in step 2 command) bin/magento module:uninstall --non-composer - Run reindex commands bin/magento indexer:reset cataloginventory_stock catalog_product_price bin/magento indexer:reindex cataloginventory_stock catalog_product_price