====== uDropShip Customizations ======
===== Adding a vendor field =====
See example of initial vendor fields configuration in:
Create a new config file or use your custom module's config.xml
For a standalone customization, can use ''app/etc/modules/z_custom_fields.xml'':
1005Comma separatedselectadminhtml/system_config_source_country5selectyesno30
* Field Notes:
* Fields will be taken automatically from vendor object and serialized into db vendor metafield.
* If you want to save them in a separate field table, create field with this name in udropship_vendor.
* It is prudent to use a prefix for field names to avoid conflict with existing fields
* Possible field types:
* text (default)
* password
* textarea
* select
* multiselect
* image
* date
* datetime
* If no is specified, app/code/community/Unirgy/Dropship/Model/Source.php class will be used.
* You can create your own combined dropdown source classes by extending this class and overriding ''toOptionHash()'' method.